Images in Forms

Hi all,

Is there a way to make forms more visually appealing? I wanted to use a sentiment scale (which I am using a drop down menu to outline the Satisfied, dissatisfied etc.) but was hoping to have a visual to go along with it (similar to the pain scale - only not pain). Can I upload an image to a description or am I limited to the drop down only?

Thanks all.☺️


  • Yuan Wong
    Yuan Wong ✭✭✭

    Hi @Sarah_Ko ,

    😔 sadly I don't think there is (*unless someone can correct me on this one*), the below are the only setting changes. Under SETTINGS

    BUT, you can however can add emojis ...😋

  • Sarah_Ko
    Sarah_Ko ✭✭✭✭

    The emojis would work great! Thanks for showing that :)

    That said, how can I update my formula to track the emoji if I'm creating a dashboard to show the answers to this scale?

  • Yuan Wong
    Yuan Wong ✭✭✭

    Hi @Sarah_Ko !

    I can't believe it actually does count..😂

    are you referencing on same sheet or referencing on/to a different sheet?

    you can use Countif to count the total ? but depends what you have..let me know if you need help or figured out the above question about referencing within a sheet or to another sheet.

    For example, something like this on the same sheet.

    formula: =COUNTIF([Emotion reaction]$7:[Emotion reaction]12, [Emotion reaction]2)

  • Sarah_Ko
    Sarah_Ko ✭✭✭✭

    Wow! OK, that's great to know! Thank you so much, this helps make it a bit more fun and interactive :)