Fitness Challenge Tracker

Hello Community!!

Okay.. does anyone have any suggestions for building a fitness tracker sheet with ~40ppl but setting it up so that only u can see your activity and not everyone else's unless you are an Admin? It would also somehow need to have the dates March 1 - Aug 31 in it as well - and we would be adding our "weekly" total km's tracked?

Anyhelp is appreciated...i'm really stumped on the filters) Thank-you,

AP! :)

Best Answer

  • SteveR@BMC
    SteveR@BMC ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you don't have Dynamic View, another option might be creating a WorkApp that allows participants to see a Current User report with their data. The advantage here is that you don't have to share the underlying sheets with them, which would allow them to see other people's data.
