The formula below works, but I have a situation where I want to count when two different attorneys are listed in the Attorney field.

=COUNTIFS(Attorney:Attorney, ="Attorney1", [Contract Status]:[Contract Status], OR(@cell = "Customer Legal Review", @cell = "Pending PAC", @cell = "Pending SRTC", @cell = "Sent for Signatures", @cell = "WD Legal Review", @cell = "Waiting for Requestor Response"))

Can someone please assist? Thank you.



  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 03/03/21

    Hi @Shannon Heward

    Hope you are fine, please try the following formula this is for example if the Attorney cell contains ( Attorney1 or Attorney2)

    =COUNTIFS(Attorney:Attorney, OR(CONTAINS("Attorney1", @cell), CONTAINS("Attorney2", @cell)), [Contract Status]:[Contract Status], OR(@cell = "Customer Legal Review", @cell = "Pending PAC", @cell = "Pending SRTC", @cell = "Sent for Signatures", @cell = "WD Legal Review", @cell = "Waiting for Requestor Response"))

    PMP Certified

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  • Shannon Heward
    Shannon Heward ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for responding. Unfortunately, this isn't working the way I need. I'm wanting the count returned when it contains both attorneys [by name but referenced here as Attorney1 and Attorney2 here] and meets one of the contract status criteria. Can you please assist? Thank you.

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