Gant Chart Across Multiple Projects

Not sure what I am missing but, I created a report that pulls in the top tier task from multiple project plans to show a program level gant. Everything looks good except the gant will not open to today's date, it always defaults to January 2020.

I checked; Each project to make sure it was set to open to today's date, the report gant to make sure it was set to open to today's date and the start date of each project plan (none start in Jan 2020)

Maybe there is a glitch in displaying a gant for multiple sheets? Or what could I be missing that is holding it to Jan 2020?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Richard Corris

    Thank you for clarifying where you're seeing this behaviour! I've checked in with our Support team and they've confirmed that Report Widgets not opening to Today's date (even when this is configured in the source Report) is an identified bug our team is working on fixing. I don't have an ETA for when this issue may be resolved, but we're working on it.



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