How can i get a group of information to autopopulate by selecting a dropdown?


I am trying to figure out how i can get 5 or more different rows to auto populate from selecting one dropdown.

when I select a dropdown for example 48-3, I want it to fill out the 3 columns like the above pic.

This is for a manufacturing schedule, it is all the parts needed to make the product (48-3). including their Part number, description and qty of pieces needed.

would appreciate any help!


  • as a further note, i am trying to eliminate the amount of data our busy staff has to enter, while also reducing human error! can this maybe be accomplished by a form or something?

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @JRWF ,

    I don't think it's possible to do with formulas, forms or automation. Does the old fashion cut and paste help?


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