Unique calendar year- Countback week number to delivery

Hi All,

I am struggling with a formula that I think needs a simple fix, and I am hopeful the community can help.

Our product launches mid-week and runs off of a unique 35-week calendar, and we are using the following formulas to track the difference between:

THe difference between current workweek to the week of launch: =INT(([Product Announce Date]# - TODAY()) / 7)

The difference between the task delivery date to the week of launch =INT(([Product Announce Date]# - [Anticipated Task Delivery Date]@row) / 7)

Because the launch is mid-week, and while I appreciate the formula's preciseness, the numbers flip midweek.

How can I adjust the formula to still count toward the weeks to launch but support a Sunday - Sunday week?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Does using WEEKNUMBER get you what you're looking for?


    =WEEKNUMBER([Product Announce Date]#) - WEEKNUMBER(TODAY())

    =WEEKNUMBER([Product Announce Date]#) - WEEKNUMBER([Anticipated Task Delivery Date]@row)

    If this works you'll want to modify the formulas to avoid errors at the end of the year when week numbers flip from 52 (or 53) to 1.


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  • Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the reply. I have tried messing around with the week number formula, but since we don't work off of a traditional calendar year, the formula doesn't return what I am hoping to attain.

    The formulas I am currently using sorta works, but I am hoping to adjust them to be more precise. I think this needs to be in the TODAY piece of the formula

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    If your launch is always on a Wed try this:

    The difference between current workweek to the week of launch:

     =IF(([Product Announce Date]# - 3)- TODAY()<7, 1, INT((([Product Announce Date]#-3) - TODAY()) / 7)

    The difference between the task delivery date to the week of launch 

    =INT((([Product Announce Date]# - 3)-[Anticipated Task Delivery Date]@row) / 7)


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