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On average, what is the lead-time for Enhancement Requests

when a request is added to the enhancement list, how long before it's assessed and if approved then developed? How long would we be waiting? Months? Years? Forever?


  • Steve Hoare
    edited 03/23/17

    In the past I have been told it has to have enough requests from users before they do anything about it. 

  • Hi All,


    We don't have an average time for enhancement requests—we treat each enhancement differently and look at many factors, customer demand being one of them. We also need to take in to account how much time and resources a feature would take to develop and other parallel projects.

  • Is it worth having visibility on this and the roadmap in general?


    Can we have details of items being worked on currently ie: they have been reviewed and deemed as needed in the system

  • There used to be a roadmap here: https://www.smartsheet.com/product-roadmap which was an emdedded SmartSheet, it showed what was being worked on and what had been released. I don't know why it was removed.



  • Mike Wilday
    Mike Wilday ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    For a frame of reference, I have made requests for the recent update to Notifications for almost a year. Last June/July I received a request from developers to show me what they were thinking with the new notifications and I was able to share my need for email message to be included with the general notifications as well as the date ones. I am hoping that requests made here, along with support requests will help increase their need to add value to their product and move things along at a rapid pace. Your voice matters - i can attest to that. But there is no way of knowing how soon they will listen to it. 

  • Kara Lumley
    Kara Lumley Employee
    edited 03/23/17

    Hi all,

    The Product team meets regularly to go through all requests - from Support, Community, and passed along via Sales/CSMs.

    Patrick, if there is something specific you'd like to know about, feel free to drop me an email and I'll be happy to help.

    As Mike said, your voice does matter!




  • Patrick Galvin
    edited 03/24/17

    It's more about understandign the process as I have posted a few things that are now part of the review for enhancement, plus I have seen other posts where I thought that their ideas were really good as well.


  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    They don't show what they're developing for the sake of competetive secrecy.  Don't show your rivals what you are developing.  I miss it too, but understand why it was removed.


    As for how long it takes things to get implemented - I can say it takes a while but they are responding.   I've had a small bug that was fixed within 3 months, and a critical item that still is not solved 1 year later.  They are making advancements, and they do respond, but it's not possible to really estimate well the turnaround on these things.



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