Form: Disparities between English and French logic

Hello everyone!

Before opening a ticket with the Smartsheet support, I thought it was worth it that I ask my question here. I think I have a problem with the french version but maybie I miss something.

The logic section is suppose to show me the choices below, but in french because of our liscense.

The problem is that the translation is wrong and some of the choices of different logics are the same. 

  • "n'a aucun(e) parmi" and "ne contient aucune des valeurs" is the same as "is not"
  • "contient toutes les valeurs" and "est exactement" when you put multiples choices below is the same as "is" all the multiples choices I put.
  • I don't have the equivalent of "is any of" or "is none of" and I need those choices for my logic, witch will trigger my logic if one or many of the choice I put are chosen.

I tried the different choices because I assumed it might just be a translation error, but the duos are doing the exact same thing.

In other words I need the employees who choose one or more of the 4 choices selected in the drop-down list to trigger a logic, and if they choose one or more of the 2 other choices it triggers another logic. If they choose choices in both logic, I want it to trigger both logic in the form. I believe I need the "is any of" to do that, am I wrong?

Thank you all for your help!



Best Answer

  • Karl Abran
    Karl Abran ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    UPDATE: Ticket 04570169 as been resolved.

    Please note that the traduction is still faulty: "is any of" is the opposite of "n'a aucun parmi" (Has none of). A more accurate translation would be "est l'un ou plusieurs parmi".

    If any of you struggle like me with the french version, here's the answer from the Smartsheet support. I tried it and it worked:


  • Karl Abran
    Karl Abran ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    UPDATE: Ticket 04570169 as been resolved.

    Please note that the traduction is still faulty: "is any of" is the opposite of "n'a aucun parmi" (Has none of). A more accurate translation would be "est l'un ou plusieurs parmi".

    If any of you struggle like me with the french version, here's the answer from the Smartsheet support. I tried it and it worked:

  • Hi @Karl Abran

    Thank you for following up and posting the answer!

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