What does "URL Exceeds Server Capacity" mean?

We are using a SmartSheet form for populating a sheet. One of our staff tried to submit a form yesterday and got the following error: The requested URL's length exceeds the capacity limit for this server." Unfortunately she lost all of her data as the error prevented the transmission of her data to the sheet. We have tried to recreate this error and have not been successful. Anyone else encounter this/know what this means.


  • Hi @Megan Andrews

    There are a number of potential reasons for this error message, but I will note that the message is coming from your browser versus from Smartsheet. The browser is unable to process the URL in order to send the data from the form to the sheet, either because the URL is too long, the data is too large, or there is a loop in the URL.

    Are you using a URL Query String to add values to the form automatically? Was there anything specific that this one user was attempting to upload (for example, a large image)? Is the form set to need users to Log In to Smartsheet first, and if so, are you using SAML or SSO to log in?

    If this happens again, I would recommend reaching out to Smartsheet Support with the exact URL copied/pasted that created this error, along with the sheet name, the user's email address who received this error, and a link to the form. They'll be able to troubleshoot this with you via a private channel where you can share this information.



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  • Thank you for your response, Genevieve. Sounds like I need to reach out to Smartsheet support!