Row Separators

We recently made the switch from XL to SS. Each row represents a purchase order. We 'group' our rows(POs) in to container shipments (multiple POs/container). When we were in XL, we would just leave a blank row in between container shipments - easier on the eye to separate one shipment from the next one. As there are now no longer blank row spaces in SS, we're looking for creative ideas on how to visually be able top separate the shipments from one another. Any ideas welcome!

Best Answer

  • steinkj
    steinkj ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would add a Row (Parent) - Highlight it with a color if you want, then add the Container Name. Make all POs in that container child rows. Hope I am on the right track.

    Kim S.


  • steinkj
    steinkj ✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I would add a Row (Parent) - Highlight it with a color if you want, then add the Container Name. Make all POs in that container child rows. Hope I am on the right track.

    Kim S.