Multiple IF statments

I have a probability column (High, Med, Low).. when updated to one of these I want it to apply a predetermined percentage to a sum of rows (projected sales).

Example, Projected Sales =Sum of columns 1-4, If High I want the sum to be multiplied by .75, if Med by .5 and if Low .25.

I can get this formula to work for one variable (High in this case), but cannot add the same parameters for Med and Low.

=IF(Probability@row = "High", SUM([Q1 2021 Sales]@row:[Q4 2021 Sales]@row) * 0.75) .. that works fine but when I add additional IF statements in the same format it gives me an error.

=IF(Probability@row = "High", SUM([Q1 2021 Sales]@row:[Q4 2021 Sales]@row) * 0.75), IF(Probability@row = "Medium", SUM([Q1 2021 Sales]@row:[Q4 2021 Sales]@row) * 0.5) and I get an error.

Please advise, am I using this formula incorrectly or am I just using the wrong formula? Can Smartsheet do what I want in this case?


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