Multiple Emails with Automation Workflow

Hi there,

I have selected the daily function for when the approval workflow should run. I am getting one email for each approval, but would like to only get one email that contains them all if possible. Attached is a copy of the workflow and the fields I have selected for the email.


  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @Niki Keith ,


    At this time, Smartsheet does not have a programmed capability for that specific feature to have each approval email be combined into one email, but it is a really great idea!


    When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request to let our Product team know about your feedback.


    In the meantime, if approval columns and values are re-used across workflows (looks like this column in your case is called "Status"), you may receive duplicate alerts. To prevent this, use different approval values or add conditions after each approved or declined request. You can also try to build another Approval Request automation and delete the first workflow to see if that could help.


    You can also refer to the link here for more details about approval requests.


