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edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

We currently have a team account and it appears when I add collaborators to the sheets, when they accept the smartsheet and setup in smartsheet with a "free trial"  I then get calls from them that their free trial is expiring,  In addition, under their free trial they are able to move columns and edit the sheet, which they lose after the "trial" expires.  Is there any way to just add them as a collaborator up front so they do not get the "trial" expiring message?  When I try and add them under user account management, I don't seem to get the ability to just add them as a collaborator.  I think I'm missing something?

Thank you



  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Beth, I get this issue all the time and it is annoying.  It does spoil the "Reseller" experience for customers when things like this are not under our control and it doesnt help present a joined up process.  We do request these additional sales messages to be supressed but it is a manual process and some slip through the net.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    I would say that you need to ask how many people you are signed up for as a part of your team. A team level agreement can have different levels of people approved to be admins. Know what you plan provides and it makes it easy to plan who to assign. The free trial is a part of the added users. Also a tip on the User Managment it does not require a real email to add it to the list. If you need to have people assigned to work but is not email based this is a great way to have them in the sheet and reports.  It is also important that only an admin creates a sheet in your account. That way when a trial is ended or there is an issue that you dont loose the work. If you just create the page or use a template and allow them to edit it all will be good. 

  • Employee
    edited 04/06/15

    Beth - As you have seen when you share a sheet with a collaborator, if they aren’t a member of your Team in User Management, they sign up for a free account. When in a free account, they have the opportunity to test out creating sheets via a 30 day trial and will receive the trial expiration notice close to the end of the 30 days.


    Setting a user up as a non-licensed user in User Management  (un-check the Licensed User and SysAdmin options when sending the invitation) prior to anyone sharing any sheets with them will stop them from entering into a trial period and allow you to administrate their account via User Management.

  • Travis,

    I can't find User Management in Smartsheets. Is this option only available to our enterprise license manager? 

  • Employee

    Paula - only SysAdmins on a Team or Enterprise account will see the User Management menu. If you are on a Team or Enterprise plan but do not see User Management then it’s likely you are not a SysAdmin.

  • Travis, that is exactly what I needed, Ill import them as non licensed users. Thank you..

  • UGH!  I just imported 150 people into smartsheet as non licensed BUT I didn't realize it would send the "invite" e-mail.  I was hoping I would have seen the opportunity to uncheck "send invitel"

    Well, I guess I just introduced smartsheet to all of our users!

  • Employee

    Beth, in order to be added to your team as non licensed users and for them to not get the trial message, they will need to accept the invitation to join your team which is included in the email. If the purpose of this was to prevent them from creating a trial, then they will need to get the email and accept the invitation. Sounds like this a great time to introduce them to Smartsheet! 

  • @Travis, let's say we upgrade to the Team plan today. Can we then add or incorporate or better yet, merge someone who has already been invited as a Collaborator?


    I'm trying to have this be as less messy as possible. Thanks.

  • Employee

    Hi Dave! It would depend on the account type of the collaborator. As long as the collaborator is not on a single user paid plan (Basic/Advanced) or a member of a multi user plan (Team trial, Team, or Enterprise), you can add them to your new Team plan through Account > User Management without any issues. 


    If the user has their own single user paid plan they would need to cancel and switch their account to free and if they are a member of multi user account, they will need to be removed from the multi user account before being added to your Team. 

  • @Travis - I just upgraded from a Single User to a Team (3 Licensed Users). I already had added around 50 collaborators. To be able to use Resource Management capabilities, do I now have to invite them as non licensed users? And I am assuming this will not require additional licenses.

  • Employee

    Hi Tariq, in order to be tracked as a resource, users need to be added to your team as a paid (licensed) or free (non-licensed) user. 

  • Am I correct, that we can't add collaborators other than our account with a basic plan?

  • Great question! You can share sheets with collaborators and they'll be able to edit the sheets, but on a Basic plan, you can't add people to your account as "Users" for Account Management purposes. Hope this clears things up.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    We have a business plan with 6 licences.

    Several of my colleagues are working off a trial version of smartsheets, but still using windows button and 2fa to login with their work email addresses. 

    I want to be able to add them into our org as free collaborators or unlicensed users. However the only way that they can be added is as a licenced user that we then have to pay for.

    One of my colleagues who has created detailed project plans, only has a few days to go on their trial version before it expires.

    We also have a list of 20+ users who have requested to be added as licensed users to our accoutn, when all they actually want is to join our account as unlicensed users. 

    Can anyone assist?






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