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FREE Smartsheet Webinar: Get Ahead of Change by Empowering Employees 4/13

edited 04/08/21 in General Announcements

Hey Smartsheet Community,

Join Chris Marsh, Research Director at 451 Research, along with Lindsay Bleier,  Head of Communications at Smartsheet, Hina Patel, Chief of Staff, Jason DeShaw, Vice President at Trimble, and Carlos Pullen-Ferreira, Vice President Business Transformation at Sage, as they discuss recent research that shows how innovative organizations are investing in technology.

They’ll explore how organizations are shifting to tools that support productivity by enabling the collaboration, connectedness, and operational agility required by the shift to remote work. 

You’ll learn ways to rethink operational culture at your organization and empower employees with new tooling strategies that put people first. And you can be a part of the conversation — submit your questions to our speakers in advance! 

Register today!

Can't attend live? Sign up anyway and we'll send you the recording of the webinar.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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