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Simple RAG status

Hi all,

I am looking to create a RAG status, based on start date of a task. Rules would be:

  1. If start date is over a week away, status is GREEN
  2. If it's within one week of the start date is YELLOW
  3. If start date is in the past is RED

I also have 3 simple status options, so

  1. If status is set to "Complete" I would like the RAG dot to be GRAY.
  2. If status is "In Progress" and end date is not yet reached YELLOW

I am not using percentage completion, and most other examples I can find seem to rely on that, but I just need something very straightforward.

Thanks in advance!!

Best Answer


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Ollie Cater ,

    Are you wanting to have two separate formulas, or do you want to combine these two?

    To have them separate, they would look like this:

    =if([start date]@row>TODAY(7),"Green",if([start date]@row>TODAY(),"Red","Yellow")

    =if([status]@row="Complete","Gray",if(AND([status]@row="In Progress",[end date]@row<TODAY()),"Yellow",""))

    If you want to combine the two, we'll need to dive a little deeper.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if it works for you!



  • Hi Heather,

    Thanks for the quick reply! Ideally I'd want them both in the same formula if possible..

    Thanks in advance!


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Ollie,

    Let's try this:

    =if([status]@row="Complete","Gray",if(AND([status]@row="In Progress",[end date]@row>TODAY()),"Yellow",if([start date]@row>TODAY(7),"Green",if([start date]@row<TODAY(),"Red","Yellow"))))

    This translates to:

    If status is Complete, GRAY

    If status is In Progress and end date is in the future, YELLOW

    If start date is more than 7 days past today, GREEN

    If start date is before today, RED

    Otherwise, YELLOW. (The previous two - red and green - conditions make this "otherwise" account for a start date between today and 7 days past today.)

    I'm not convinced this formula is fool proof, but that depends on how long the gap is between your start & end dates. Remember that SS formulas check sequentially, so if condition 1 is met, it stops there. If condition 1 is not met, it moves on to condition 2, and continues down the line until it finds a condition that it does meet.

    Let me know if it works!



  • Hi Heather!

    Unfortunately I seem to be hitting the same roadblock as when I was trying to write my own version of this...#unparseable...


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    That's strange - it's working for me:

    Are your Start Date and End Date columns set as Date columns in their column properties?

  • Hi Heather,

    I double checked just to be sure, and yes as far as I can tell the format is set to date/time.

    Very confused...

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Can you please provide a screenshot? Block out any sensitive information. Also - try copying and pasting the formula that's returning #UNPARSEABLE so that we can look at it.

  • Here's a very limited grab..

    And the code is copied & pasted from your response earlier (the combined code)

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hmm. I can't see your column headers, but make sure the bracketed items in the formula match your column headers exactly.

  • And SUCCESS!!

    Thank you so much for your help!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hooray! Glad it worked. Have a great day!

  • ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    You too! Thank you ever so much!

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