How do I get a hyperlink to be copied to the target in a datamesh

I set up a datamesh. The source has a text column that contains hyperlinks to SmartSheets. When I run the datamesh, only the text of the hyperlink is copied to the target. I lose the hyperlink itself. Is there a way to have the actual hyperlink copied to the target?

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Susan Holsapple

    Are your hyperlinks embedded behind text or are they the URL spelled out in a cell?

    If you have a Copy Data automation set up, it can copy over URLs which will make them live/hyperlinked to their destination (for example, if the text is:

    However, if you have a URL behind text as a hyperlink, you will want to use the Cell Link action instead of Copy Data. The Cell Link will retain the full hyperlink instead of copying over just the text. Will that work for you?



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