Documentation edit requests

Curious if anyone out there has created something for team members to submit edits or changes for upcoming catalogs, technical manuals, product brochures. For example, we have a new Widget sized B, it needs to be added to the Catalog and to the Tech Manual. I want to create a tool all of our team can use so that proposed changes and additions are all in one place and can easily be reviewed with decision makers. Curious if someone out there has already created such a beast.

Specifically for me, I would want people to submit whether it's something NEW or an error correction. Then, which marketing pieces does it apply to (could be one or multiple). On which page # is this error (or where the NEW item belongs). Attach helpful information, CAD drawings, etc. So - thought I'd check with you brilliant users before I dive in. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.


  • Seth Morth
    Seth Morth ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hello MaryAnn,

    What I have done is use a built-in form to gather data/requests like that. Some of them are the most complex sheets I have built with very dep approval processes and a lot of different views so I have found a form entry a great way to gather new data. You can also use the automatically generated columns in Smartsheet to record the Smartsheet ID of who submits stuff which makes submissions more accurate and easy to track. To do this, select right-click the column header, sleect at the bottom of the drop-down "Edit Column Properties" then select "Auto-Number/System..." at the bottom of the drop-down as the type of cel, and then choose "Created By" for the System-generated Column selection.

    Check out the below, I hope they help!

    I hope this helps!

    - Seth