
Did someone meet the same issue than me about filter?

I guess there is a bug with filter:

Exemple by selecting 'is one of' or 'is not one of' it does not follow the selection.

This issue is quitte new. My colleague meet the same issue.

Thanks per advance for your feed back.

Best regards.


  • Hi @Jerome Szurubura

    Are you able to provide screen captures of what you're seeing? (But please block out any sensitive data!)

    I tested on my own sheet and my filters are working without an issue:

    Are you seeing something different?



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  • Hi @Genevieve P ,

    Thank for your feedback, I made screens shots below:

    1) By selecting values using 'is one of'_ No results

    If I choose 'is equal to', it is work but I must include several 'or' 'is equal to'

    2) By checking 'selecting all'_ 0 value can not be checked

    Best regards


  • Hi @Jerome Szurubura

    Thank you for this additional information!

    I can see now that you are talking about applying a filter in a Report, and it's on a specific column, the "Phase" column. In order to try and replicate what you're seeing, I still need to know a little more:

    • In the source sheet, what type of column is "Phase"? (Text/Number, Dropdown...?)
    • How are the numbers being populated, is someone manually changing the % or is it s a formula?
      • If it's a formula, what is the exact formula in use?

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  • @Genevieve P ,

    Thank for your fast answer.

    The phase columns is a dropdown list. users can only choose between 0, 1, 10 , 25, 50, 75 ans 100%

    It worked well before and since smartsheet update has been done it not work anymore. That's why I thought it was a bug.

    Best regards.


  • Hi @Jerome Szurubura

    I created my own sheet & report set up the same way as you, however I'm able to select the options and it works as expected. I can't replicate what you're seeing with your report.

    Can you try the following:

    • Log out of Smartsheet then log in again.
    • Remove the column from the Report. Save. Re-add the column, then try to filter.
    • Create a copy of the Report with "Save as New" (see here). Does the filter work on the copy?

    If none of this has worked, please reach out to Smartsheet Support with screen captures, the sheet URL, the Report URL, and a screen capture of the column settings from the source sheet.

    Thank you!


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