Question on changing Ownership

Is there a way to transfer ownership of a workspace to a current Admin since the current Owner no longer works for the company?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You would have to first transfer ownership of everything within the workspace before the workspace can be transferred.

  • I'm a Smartsheet Administrator.  While transferring ownership of sheets/assets, they were inadvertently transferred to our Smartsheet Admin Service Account. When logging into this account at, and navigating to "transferred from {username}@{email}, there are over 240 items that now need to be moved to the correct owner. 240 items is far too many to use share then change ownership as this would need to be done for each individual record.  Unfortunately, the standard transfer process under User Management can't be used because the Service Account contains thousands of records - too many to try and identify those needing to be transferred.

    1. Is there a way to bulk transfer these records to the correct owner?

    2. If not, is there any way to undo the transfer process, then transfer to the correct owner?