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Resource Loading across projects

Robert Poddar
Robert Poddar ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts



I have a situation wherein a developer is working across 3 projects, with his loading being:


1. Project1 - 50%

2. Project2 - 25%

3. Project3 - 25%


When i plan his task for Project1, i need to ensure that he is only 50% and accordingly the duration for the task needs to be calculated. Is there any method where i can acheive this? 





  • ruiovaz
    ruiovaz ✭✭✭



    If you have resourse management on, I think you can control what you want via the Allocation % column:



    Hope it helps




  • Hi Ruiovaz, 


    Thanks for your inputs. Can you please help to provide some more info on how to achieve this? In the Resource Management tab, i select "Allocation %". Should i create a new column "Allocated Bandwidth" and assign this column to the "Allocation %"?

    Assuming that i mention 50% for a resource X, then when i enter the duration for a task as 1 day, does Smartsheet automatically change the duration to 2d?




  • ruiovaz
    ruiovaz ✭✭✭

    Hi Robert

    You can assign any numerical % column to "Allocation %" column. Smarsheet will show you, in the dialog that I sent you, the column(s) that are eligible to the role. You can call it whatever you want.

    As far as I know, Smartsheet does not handle effort driven tasks. So task duration does not relate with resource allocation.

    Smartsheet will alert you when a resource is allocated more then 100% in several tasks.

    For more information please read this article


    Hope this helps



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