

I am trying to figure out why my formula keeps saying #UNPARSEABLE

I am trying to take the first four digits of a project number and join it with 2 digits that are the suffix to create a new project number. Please help! Here is the formula:

=JOIN(MID([Project Number]1,1,4):[Project Number Suffix]@row)


Best Answer

  • Melissa Manzanera
    edited 04/27/21 Answer ✓

    The JOIN function only works if the two information columns are together as it asks for a range. If they aren't together you can join them manually with a plus sign. If they are numbers they will add up so we can place a set of quotation marks between two plus signs

    =MID([Project Number]1,1,4)+""+[Project Number Suffix]@row

    Try this formula.

    If you'd like for there to be a delimiter between the two values you can add it between the Quotation Marks like this:

    =MID([Project Number]1,1,4)+"-"+[Project Number Suffix]@row

    =MID([Project Number]1,1,4)+"/"+[Project Number Suffix]@row

    Hope this helps!


  • Melissa Manzanera

    Hi Sam Sasin,

    When a formula says #UNPARSEABLE its a syntax problem. Reviewing your formula, I guess that the error is the colon you have in the middle.

    =JOIN(MID([Project Number]1,1,4):[Project Number Suffix]@row) try replacing the colon with a comma,

    =JOIN(MID([Project Number]1,1,4),[Project Number Suffix]@row)

    Let me know if this worked!

  • Sam Sasin

    I changed the colon to a comma like you said and it did the MID function but did not add the last two numbers on with the JOIN function, how can I get the JOIN function to work?

  • Melissa Manzanera
    edited 04/27/21 Answer ✓

    The JOIN function only works if the two information columns are together as it asks for a range. If they aren't together you can join them manually with a plus sign. If they are numbers they will add up so we can place a set of quotation marks between two plus signs

    =MID([Project Number]1,1,4)+""+[Project Number Suffix]@row

    Try this formula.

    If you'd like for there to be a delimiter between the two values you can add it between the Quotation Marks like this:

    =MID([Project Number]1,1,4)+"-"+[Project Number Suffix]@row

    =MID([Project Number]1,1,4)+"/"+[Project Number Suffix]@row

    Hope this helps!

  • Sam Sasin

    That does make a lot of sense, I tried your first formula because I do not need a delimiter, but now this formula is saying it is #UNPARSEABLE

  • Melissa Manzanera

    I have edited the last comment as I accidentally left a parenthesis, please try copy and pasting it again or just removing the last parenthesis from your formula.

  • Sam Sasin

    That worked! Thank you so much!

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