How to link data in two sheets via a report?

Let's say I have sheet #1 called SiteData with columns SiteID (autonumber) and SiteName (text)

Let's say sheet #2 called TimeData with columns SiteID (text/number) and TimeData (text)

How can I get a report to link the data between both sheets so that it can group TimeData with SiteName via the SiteID? Such as creating a summary of total number of TimeData rows related to the a graph for each site showing the dates related to the site.

Is this possible in Smartsheet?



  • James Keuning
    James Keuning ✭✭✭✭✭

    summary of total number of TimeData rows related to the Sites

    This you can do, but not with a Report. You do this with COUNTIFS. Use COUNTIFs in Sheet1 and reference the SiteID range in Sheet2.

    It seems like the "graph for each site showing the dates related to the site" can be accomplished using Sheet2, with a VLOOKUP or MATCH/INDEX to look at Sheet1 to get the SiteName.

    If you ultimately want a report, you can base a report on either of those sheets.