Different Dashboard Chart Errors for Different Users


I have created one dashboard that includes 2 donut charts. These charts are pulling from a "Current User" filtered report to display how many request tickets each person has and how many they have in each status - in progress, completed, on hold, etc.

I have received multiple reports of the charts displaying error messages for various users, but the error messages are different. When i first rolled the dashboard out a few weeks ago, everything seemed to be working fine for everyone. What could be causing these errors and are there easy ways to fix it?


  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Taylor,

    A current user filter only works if Smartsheet knows who the user is. The person has has to be logged into a Smartsheet account. Accessing a published item doesn't require sign in so Smartsheet can't apply the filter. The second notification just means that the current user doesn't have any items to report.

    Do you think people are receiving these messages in error or does the above explain?


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  • Thanks @Mark Cronk!

    I have the publishing settings set to - "Only available to users in the owner’s account". Based on what I read, I thought this would require the user to log in to Smartsheet before being able to view the content on the dashboard. Is there a reason they aren't being prompted to login before viewing? Would turning publishing off and just sharing the sheet to the correct contacts solve for this?

  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes, if you're only sharing with known users than it's better to turn if the publishing and have them go directly to your report. That should fix your issues.


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