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Reoccuring sheet

Hans Lettinga
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I'm using a reoccurring sheet and would like to use, besides a days between column, also a months between column so that the due date can be calculated with days but also with months. How do I create such a formula?


Bildschirmfoto 2017-04-08 um 18.10.02.png


  • Hi Hans,


    If you're looking for months between 2 dates, try a formula like the following example: 

    =MONTH([Start Date]2) - MONTH([Due Date]2)

    You'll want to change the cell references in the above example to the cells in your sheet.

    If you don't want negative numbers returned, you might try wrapping the whole thing in the absolute function:

    =ABS(MONTH([Start Date]2) - MONTH([Due Date]2))

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