Smartsheet Basics

Smartsheet Basics

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Sheet Summary CountIfs with Multi-contact fields


Is it possible to use a countIfs in a Sheet Summary referencing multi-contact fields? I would like to count the number of instance "Employee X" is in the responsible field column. However, i can't seem to get it to work. I tried using both Has and Contains function in conjuction with countIfs and no luck!

Has Formula

=COUNTIFS([Responsible:]:[Responsible:], Has([Responsible:]:[Responsible:], "Employee X"), [End Date]:[End Date], <>"")

=COUNTIFS([Responsible:]:[Responsible:], HAS(@row, "Employee X"), [End Date]:[End Date], <>"")-Resulted in Unparseable

Contains Formula

=COUNTIFS([Responsible:]:[Responsible:], CONTAINS("Employee X ", [Responsible:]:[Responsible:]), [End Date]:[End Date], <>"")

I found a similar question, but i wasn't able to get it to work for me

Best Answer

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/18/21 Answer ✓


    =COUNTIFS([Responsible]:[Responsible], Has(@cell, "Employee X"), [End Date]:[End Date], ISDATE(@cell))


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  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 05/18/21 Answer ✓


    =COUNTIFS([Responsible]:[Responsible], Has(@cell, "Employee X"), [End Date]:[End Date], ISDATE(@cell))


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  • Thanks Mark for the quick response. I got so fed up i closed the app and was going to try again tomorrow. But, your quick and correct response got me going again. Thanks!!!

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I noticed misplaced : in my 1st response. Edited and correct now. Should work. Good luck. Never give up.


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