Admin Permissions Can't Edit Report?

I created a report that when I enter information into the cell it transfers the information back to the original sheet. I've given admin rights to another licensed user to be able to enter information into the report cells as I'm able to, however, they're unable to enter information into the cells. What are we doing wrong?

Best Answer

  • Sam M.
    Sam M. ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jonna Critchley ,

    For having access to the report I believe you also need to have access to the sheet, for example:

    I think if they have viewing permissions on the sheet and are an admin in the report, they will only be able to view the report.

    If they have edit permissions on the sheet and edit permissions on the report, they should be able to edit.

    I think what you can check is what permission level they have on the sheet, that will tell you what's the highest permission level they can have in that report.

    Hope it helps,



  • Sam M.
    Sam M. ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jonna Critchley ,

    For having access to the report I believe you also need to have access to the sheet, for example:

    I think if they have viewing permissions on the sheet and are an admin in the report, they will only be able to view the report.

    If they have edit permissions on the sheet and edit permissions on the report, they should be able to edit.

    I think what you can check is what permission level they have on the sheet, that will tell you what's the highest permission level they can have in that report.

    Hope it helps,


  • Ah makes sense! Thank you for the clarification =)

  • Similar issue:

    An Admin isn't able to modify reports. She can view the report and rearrange columns, but isn't able to modify the report builder or add/remove columns.

    The source sheet and the report are both in a workspace in which she's an Admin, so she has Admin permissions in both.

    We are waiting for licensing to be pushed through by our IT department, and she is using the 30 day trial version in the interim. I thought this would give her the full capabilities of a licensed user?