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Copying numbers inserted by Auto-Number

I want to be able to copy the numbers inserted by Auto-Number. I use them to create a control number for each row/record, which I want to then place in external systems for correlating notes and files.

However, the numbers inserted by Auto-Number don't seem to lend themselves to being copied once they've been created. I can't find a "copy" method that will allow me to copy it.

I also haven't found a way to replicate the contents in another column using formulas, which I had hoped would be in a form that does allow the contents to be copied.

The only method I found that works thus far is to create a Report that has that column's contents in it, which does allow the cell contents to be copied through normal procedures.

Another workaround I found is to copy and paste the number into a blank cell in another column, which can then be copied and pasted into another system, but that's a bit clunky.

Is there any other way to do this? The Report approach is not all that inefficient, and does save the need to use up a column of space in the main sheet, but it would be nice to know.




  • Hi Jason,

    I was successfully able to copy values out of Auto-Number cells with Ctrl + C (Cmd + C on Mac) and paste them into a plain text document with Ctrl + V (Cmd + V on Mac).

    Smartsheet's contextual menus and clipboard are different from your operating system's menus and clipboard, so you MUST use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste, don't use the right-click contextual menu option.

  • The Copy+C should work, but I've also used a formula such as '=RowID1' and copied that down before. 

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