Sheet Reference by Current Month Only

I need to be able to pull on the current month's data on one sheet using another sheet "tracker" for reference.

What formula would I need to be able to only pull data from the current month from an original sheet column using a MM/DD/YYYY format?

For example, trying to pull the Count of RFQs or "Quotes" from June (current month) the formula in place now is;

=COUNTIFS({Maritime Tracker Range 1}, =[Primary Column]@row, {Maritime Tracker Range 7}, "Quote")

The chart below shows all data on the sheet which includes months prior to June.

I will need to duplicate this across # of Lines, $ Quoted, and Won columns.


  • You can try something like this. I am not sure of the worksheet name and how you have your columns are names, but @cell = MONTH(TODAY())) will look at current month.

  • I got the RFQ Count to Pull using your reference;

    =COUNTIFS({Maritime Tracker Range 1}, =[Primary Column]@row, {Maritime Tracker Range 7}, "Quote", {Maritime Tracker Range 6}, =MONTH(TODAY()))

    However, I cant get the # of Lines, $ Quoted, or Won Values to correctly reflect.

    Current Formulas used (without Month reference) are;

    =SUMIF({Maritime Tracker Range 1}, [Primary Column]@row, {Maritime Tracker Range 2})

    =SUMIF({Maritime Tracker Range 1}, [Primary Column]@row, {Maritime Tracker Range 5})

    =SUMIF({Maritime Tracker Range 1}, [Primary Column]@row, {Maritime Tracker Range 4})

    The cell range that contains the date reference is {Maritime Tracker Range 6}, if that helps. This cell now only pulls the Month as 1-12, based on a formula from a standard format of MM/DD/YYYY from another cell on the sheet.