The report source is not accessible after I share the dashboard to people

Hi Team,

I insert a report in dashboard of displaying all content of the report document. I need to make sure that the people I share the dashboard with (even Viewer), can access the report itself.

Is it possible to do so?

I tried many ways to open the access of report, doesn't work. Not even when I tried to set one co-worker as the admin of the report.



Best Answer

  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you you use the publish URL in a WebContent widget on the Dashboard it should work as long as you are not using the Current User filter criteria in the report.

    Typically with a Report and the underlying sheet need to be shared with someone for them to be able to view it. When publishing you have the option though to share with anyone with the link whether they are shared to the underlying sheet or not.

    Hope this helps


  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    If you you use the publish URL in a WebContent widget on the Dashboard it should work as long as you are not using the Current User filter criteria in the report.

    Typically with a Report and the underlying sheet need to be shared with someone for them to be able to view it. When publishing you have the option though to share with anyone with the link whether they are shared to the underlying sheet or not.

    Hope this helps