Formula returning 0



Can anyone help me with this formula?

Should be really simple, but i am having an off day it seems!

The formula is looking for any elitebook g3 devices that are in northampton, but gives me the result of 0 instead of the correct number?

Any ideas?



  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I think that you are leveraging the number in Northampton instead of the location itself

    I think that this should work:

    =COUNTIFS({Atock PC,laptops, Docks Range 4},[Device Name]@row,{Atock PC,laptops, Docks Range 4},[Device Name]51)

    You could also do:

    =COUNTIFS({Atock PC,laptops, Docks Range 4},[Device Name]@row,{Atock PC,laptops, Docks Range 4},"Northampton")

  • Michael Green22

    I realised this after i posted, thankyou for the response!

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