Resources Scheduling fully automated with Approve and Reject

We are looking to build a fully automated resources scheduling platform with a front end form. The goal would be compare the available resources within the selected date by end user and either reject or approve their request in fully automated way.

Does any one have advance or thought on how to accomplish this?

Thank you!!


  • Garrett Henke
    Garrett Henke ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi RajS,

    I would recommend taking the Project Management Fundamentals as well as 10,000ft Integration courses. Both of these courses (more importantly the Project Management one) will help you build out the process you are wanting to accomplish.

    Also look at the template sets in the solution center as they have many prebuilt templates that would fit what you are looking for.

    Best of luck!

  • RajS
    RajS ✭✭

    @Garrett Henke, I have already looked at solutions center, however, it doesn't provide the required set of templates or workflow to accomplish this in fully automated way.

    Thank you for your thoughts.