Sharing with Shared Mailbox

How to share my smartsheet to a Shared mailbox so I can make it owner and all the notifications can go from the shared mailbox address instead of my name. Can anyone please help on this?

Best Answer

  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Aatish Chaudhary Depending on what you mean by shared mailbox, it is straightforward:

    • make sure you have control over the email account, meaning you can log into it and check mail
    • create a SmartSheet user account with that email address as the email, and assign this new "user" a license
    • login to the email account and accept the invitation to join the account
    • while logged in under your original account share the sheet with that new account at admin level
    • then change permissions, choosing and Make O.wner


  • Dale Murphy
    Dale Murphy Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    @Aatish Chaudhary Depending on what you mean by shared mailbox, it is straightforward:

    • make sure you have control over the email account, meaning you can log into it and check mail
    • create a SmartSheet user account with that email address as the email, and assign this new "user" a license
    • login to the email account and accept the invitation to join the account
    • while logged in under your original account share the sheet with that new account at admin level
    • then change permissions, choosing and Make O.wner