Column ID Visual Representation?

We have a sheet with many columns - it can be challenging at times to navigate, given how large it is (unfortunately, necessary for our use case).

As standard, there is a built in 'Row ID' or Row counter on the left side of the grid that outlines the row number.

Is there any function or feature that could replicate this for identification of columns (in addition to the Column label, of course)? An example would include looking at an excel spreadsheet and being able to see the column reference (A, B, C, etc).

I've only thought of adding a first row and simply labeling as 'A' and onwards, however sheet sorting can move this row around, and it is a real row of data, so this impacts the metrics and analytics this source is being used for.

Any suggestions/thoughts are appreciated.

Best Answer

  • Alex Argumedo
    Alex Argumedo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There is no native way to do it, but i tested a trick and seems to work, if you make the first row parent of all the rows below, then it won't move even if you sort the rows, then you can put the horizontal references you need

    I hope this makes sense



  • Alex Argumedo
    Alex Argumedo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There is no native way to do it, but i tested a trick and seems to work, if you make the first row parent of all the rows below, then it won't move even if you sort the rows, then you can put the horizontal references you need

    I hope this makes sense
