Formula issue



Can someone help me to write these five formula in a single formula to get the schedule health.

IF(Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray")

IF(Status@row = "On Hold", "Yellow")

IF(Status@row = "Not Applicable", "")

IF(Act1@row >Act2@row , "Red")

IF(Act1@row <Act2@row , "Green")



  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Finops C'ship.

    Give this a try...

    =IF( Status@row <> "Not Applicable", IF( Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray", IF(Status@row = "On Hold", "Yellow", "")), IF(Act1@row > Act2@row , "Red", "Green"))

  • Finops C'ship

    Hi @Toufong Vang

    Its not working...we have 4 colors symbols

    if the status is set as Not applicable it should be "" i mean without any color..can you help

  • Toufong Vang
    Toufong Vang ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Finops C'ship ,

    Thanks for the feedback. I see the error in the formula...

    Try this...

    =IF( Status@row <> "Not Applicable", IF( Status@row = "Not Started", "Gray", IF(Status@row = "On Hold", "Yellow", IF(Act1@row > Act2@row , "Red", "Green"))), "")

    Here is the formula formatted so that it's a little easier to read

    =IF( Status@row <> "Not Applicable"
    	, IF( Status@row = "Not Started"
    		, "Gray"
    		, IF(Status@row = "On Hold"
    			, "Yellow"
    			, IF(Act1@row > Act2@row 
    				, "Red"
    				, "Green"
    	, ""

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