What is the maximum number of characters one can use in creating an Update Request Message?

What is the maximum number of characters one can use in creating an Update Request?   It looks like it's ~2000 character and I need more to write up instructions on how to fill our request out.


  • Hi @Rachele Olsen

    Yes, the limit for the Custom Message in Smartsheet automated workflows is 2,000 characters (see the box at the bottom of this Help Article: Customize the Content of Your Alerts and Requests).

    If you need to include additional content, you could add a helper column in the sheet itself with the instructions in a cell on each row. You can hide this column so it's not visible on the sheet, and Lock it so that the content can't be adjusted from the Update Request, but it could appear at the top of the Update Request form.



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  • Can I ask why the Workflow Update Request is 2,000 and the Manual Update Request is 9,000? Is there a plan to ensure the two match?

  • Hi @Rachele Olsen

    Automated workflows have different functionality than manually sending a row for a one-off request, as you've found. I don't know if there are any future plans to update the character limit for automated workflows, but please let the Product team about your feedback and use-case by filling in this form, here!

    Thank you,


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  • Thanks Genevieve, I've filled out the form. The alternative solution you provided could work, but I have no control over how the helper column would format and because it's such a long set of instructions it just runs on and on so it's not necessarily what we'd use. I hope Smartsheet considers matching the Workflow and Manual Update Request Message size. Thanks.