Move users from one Smartsheet account to another account

How do you move a licensed user from one account to a different account?


  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hello @Johnna Van

    To clarify, is the licensed user a member who is moving from a current organization account to a different organization account ? or the licensed user is transferring their license from their user account to a different user account in the same organization plan?


    If the licensed user who is a member from a current organization account to a different organization plan:

    • Inform the System Admin of the different organization account that this licensed user is moving and will need a license so they can keep the Smartsheet items they owned.
    • You will need to remove the licensed user in your current organization account under the Admin Center so the System Admin from a different organization account can invite this licensed user to theirs.
      • NOTE: When this licensed user is removed from their current organization plan, everything that they own will go on Read-Only mode. Make sure that they get a license when they get into the different organization account to be able to unlock this Read-Only mode.


    The licensed user is transferring their user account to a different user account in the same organization plan:

    • A System Admin can remove this current user in the Admin Center which then will prompt them a message on what to do with the Smartsheet items they own. You will have the option to transfer these items they owned to yourself or to a different licensed user.


    Checkout the following links below from our Help Center for more information


    Hope this helps!




  • Johnna Van
    Johnna Van ✭✭✭

    @Krissia thank you for the above. Yes we have a few accounts within our organization and they are moving to another account in which I'm the admin of the one they are moving to.

    Just to be clear on steps:

    1. Have the admin of the account that they are moving from removed from their current account before I grant a license in my account.
    2. I know these users have several sheets so no action is needed at the time they are removed from their current account?
    3. Once the users are removed from their current account I grant licenses under my account to those licensed members who are moving between the 2 accounts.
    4. Once I've granted the licenses, are you saying they will automatically see the sheets they own and no additional action is needed to move their sheets before they are removed from their current account? I'm assuming the current sheets they own will not have to be re-shared and the url stays the same?

    It seems that I would want to grant them a license first before they are removed? If you can clarify and confirm my steps that would be great.

    Thanks again!



  • Johnna Van
    Johnna Van ✭✭✭

    @Krissia can you please advise on the above? Or is someone able to advise?

  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator

    Hey @Johnna Van I apologize for the delayed response! See my answers below.

    • Have the admin of the account that they are moving from removed from their current account before I grant a license in my account.
      • Yes. Have the System Admin remove John (as an example) from their plan so you can invite John to yours & grant him a license.
    • I know these users have several sheets so no action is needed at the time they are removed from their current account.
      • Yes. Everything John has in their account will stay however because they will not be licensed anymore when they are removed from their original account, everything that they own (they created) will become "Read-Only".
      • Once John is in your account & you grant him a license, those "Read-Only" will be editable and they'll own it again.
    • Once the users are removed from their current account I grant licenses under my account to those licensed members who are moving between the 2 accounts.
      • Yes. Similar information as above.
    • Once I've granted the licenses, are you saying they will automatically see the sheets they own and no additional action is needed to move their sheets before they are removed from their current account? I'm assuming the current sheets they own will not have to be re-shared and the url stays the same?
      • When the System Admin removes John from their plan - the System Admin has the option to delete and transfer John's owned items to someone else & remove their access from all items owned by anyone in their plan OR the System Admin can just delete John without transferring John's owned items to someone else.
      • So John can carry his owned items when he is removed if the System Admin chooses to not transfer his owned items.
      • John's owned items will just become Read-Only until you grant him a license. The people who are shared to John's owned items & the URL will stay the same.

    If needed, you may contact our Support to do a screenshare to help you walk through the process.

    (Support phone number can be found by clicking your account profile icon on the bottom-left corner of your account > "Plan Info..." > Phone number located at the bottom of the pop-up window).

    Hope this helps!
