How do we upload one document to multiple rows at the same time?

I have to upload a one page document to 22 rows, and I'm unable to figure out how to do that. Surely such a basic function is possible in smartsheet. I can't imagine I have to drag and drop this document 22 times. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? Thanks.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You are going to have to attach it manually to each row. If it is every row within the sheet, are you able to attach it to the sheet itself?

    Come see me in Seattle at ENGAGE 2024! I will be at the 10xViz partner booth throughout as well as the "Lets Talk About Community" Meet & Eat table on Tuesday from 11:45am - 12:45pm!


  • Thanks for responding. No, there are 100+ rows. The document needs to be attached to 22 of them. After searching the communities database, it appears you're right -- there is no way to do this. And thank you for not recommending an enhancement request. Looks like that's been the answer for this issue since at least 2018.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I mean... I do suggest it. The more that are submitted, the more it lets the people at Smartsheet know that it is wanted. If people complain here but never submit an actual enhancement request, then it may go relatively unnoticed due to the sheer volume of posts here. Things can get lost very quickly in the Community.

    Similarly, if no one has submitted an enhancement request for this feature in 3 years, then it may still be considered a relatively low priority because it is not an overly large number of users who are requesting it as opposed to another feature that may be getting requested multiple times in a week for the past month.

    Come see me in Seattle at ENGAGE 2024! I will be at the 10xViz partner booth throughout as well as the "Lets Talk About Community" Meet & Eat table on Tuesday from 11:45am - 12:45pm!


  • I agree. My point was that if it's not been added in over three years, then it's not considered a priority. The answer to that, of course, would be, it won't become a priority without enhancement requests.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes. Unfortunately with so many users across so many platforms (SS, Community, Control Center, Dynamic View, etc.) that is the only way to track user feedback that actually makes sense. While it helps bring higher priority issues to light a little faster, it also means that lower priority issues can sit for quite some time before they are addressed (if ever).

    Come see me in Seattle at ENGAGE 2024! I will be at the 10xViz partner booth throughout as well as the "Lets Talk About Community" Meet & Eat table on Tuesday from 11:45am - 12:45pm!


  • Laura Bell
    Laura Bell ✭✭✭✭✭

    This is still not a feature, right??

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Laura Bell That is correct. Feel free to browse the Product Ideas tab at the top of this page. If someone has submitted it as an Enhancement Request already, you can add your vote. If not, you can submit it yourself and allow others to add their votes.

    Either way, please post a link to the idea here so that others searching for the same thing can easily add their votes.

    Come see me in Seattle at ENGAGE 2024! I will be at the 10xViz partner booth throughout as well as the "Lets Talk About Community" Meet & Eat table on Tuesday from 11:45am - 12:45pm!


  • Any updates on this?? I am also interested.

  • If this document is a PDF, couldn't it be added to the document builder and you could add a trigger somewhere in your workflow to add it to the specific rows?