Send Copy to Yourself: Style & Attachments


so I have a workflow that starts off with filling out a form (may have attachments) submitting it. The person filling out this form can send themselves a copy of what they filled out and in this case it seems the attachments are included.

Then it goes to a reviewer/approver. The reviewer can send themselves a copy of what they approved but I am noticing the form is horizontal vs vertically unlike the latter. How can I get it to be vertical and why is it the attachments are not included and can you have them included?

Thank you.


  • Copy Email to Themselves: One last comment the file attachments on the form filled out by the person filling out the form appears to have attachments but in reality you cannot open them. Why is that and can it be changed to be able to open the attachments.

    Thank you.

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Monica

    You need to experiment in your Automation menu. It looks like you are using an Alert automation workflow in the screen shot above. If you change the action to an Approval Workflow or an Update Request workflow for the Approver/Reviewer then you can have the data showing in a form rather than a table. Once you change it to Approval or Update Request you can select which columns are included in the Approvers Form / Update request Form and the Attachments area is selectable there too.

    Take a copy of the sheet then have a play in the copy.

    I hope this helps

    Kind regards


  • Hi Debbie,

    thank you for your response. It looks like this is something Smartsheet cannot do as an Alert. I appreciate you help in this matter.

    Kind Regards.

  • Debbie Sawyer
    Debbie Sawyer ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can do it as an alert too, but it won't look like a form. An alert is an email with some columns from your sheet attached.

    You can add your attachment to your alert workflow but it will look like a table. (as in your screenshot).

    Have an experiment and see how each workflow comes through...

    Kind regards
