Filter Incomplete tasks that must start or finish between a certain date

I am trying to create a filter that provides a list of tasks that are scheduled to start and finish between a certain date but are not 100% complete. I have been able to implement the first part with a filter where rows matching at least one condition, is: Start between X and Y or Finish between X and Y. I would like to have an and condition applied where % Complete is not 100%.

I noticed this capability is available in reporting but not filters 🤔

Thanks in advance for any pointers on how to accomplish this!


  • Sameer Karkhanis
    Sameer Karkhanis ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Unfortunately there is no grouping of conditions in Filters so cannot have OR and AND conditions combined.

    How about you set the filter criteria to:

    Start Date greater than or equal to <some_date>

    Finish Date less than or equal to <some_date_but_greater_than_date_in_start_date_criteria>

    % Complete less than 100%

  • I actually did that as well but unfortunately the 'at least one condition' clause causes tasks with 100% to be displayed as well 🤨