Check a Box by Referencing Another Sheet



I've searched through several answers, but can't quite find the same case as mine, or either I don't quite understand if I've found the right answer. I need to check a box if there is a date entered in another sheet.

In the picture below, each row is a different line item. If there is a date entered in the "DWGs Uploaded" column on the first sheet,

I would like to check the box for that line item on my other sheet (under the "DWGs UL" column.)

I did try the "ISBLANK" function and the box was checked for my sample row, but it appears that I would need to recreate this function in every checkbox cell for each specific cell I want to reference on the other sheet in order for this work.

=ISBLANK({Deployment Range 2}) = false

Is there a simpler or more concise way to perform this task? Thanks so much!


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Klong

    Hope you are fine, you can solve this issue and make your sheet much flexible by adding a key number columns match for each record in the 2 sheets then you can use Vlookup or Index with Match to check if the date entered in first sheet using the same row number then the checkbox will be checked in the second sheet.

    PMP Certified

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  • Kerra Long

    Hi Bassam,

    Thank you for you reply. I'm not sure that I understand what a key number column is. Could you provide a little more detail or show an example of what the formula would look like that I could use?


  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    column for automatic ID number for each row but for example each row in the 2 sheet which contains the linked data must have the same ID number.

    PMP Certified

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  • Kerra Long

    I believe I see the column type you are describing: the "auto-number/system", correct? Between these two sheets, due to the size of these sheets already, I cannot ensure the rows will have the same ID number assigned to them without going through line by line to make sure all the data is on the same rows between the sheets.

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