publish content on a whiteboard (like Miro)

Hello community,

I tried to publish some content of smartsheet (schedule) on an online whiteboard solution (e.g. Miro).

If I use the option "read only - HTML", everything is fine. I can see all tasks and I can modify the size (see pic - middle section). Only the gant is missing which is ok as far as I understand.

When I use a publish option where I can include the gant chart, I get problems. I can't change size and almost see nothing (see right section on the pic).

My goal is to get something like shown in the left section which is right now a pdf i imported.

I am not sure if this is a topic of Miro or smartsheet. Maybe you have experience with other whitepoard solutions or found a solution for this topic?



  • Hey @Marcus Busch,

    Typically the third party program should allow you to adjust the size of the Published Item. If this can not be done, try manipulating the size through the Embed Code (width/height values):


    I do know that Smartsheet Dashboards allows the resizing of a Published Item using the Web Content Widget. It may prove useful to reach out to your "online whiteboard solution" support team for additional assistance.

    I hope this helps!
