Which formulae is it to compare 3 values and give me 1 of 3 different text options in a cell?


I have created a form that populates a sheet and the form asks multiple questions and then the sheet uses the answers to create 3 costs, so far very simple. However I want another cell to automatically display a result based on the 3 costs provided. I'm a contract manager and I will have 3 options I wish to display they are:

*Life Expectancy Comprehensive Contract Cost

*Life Expectancy In- House maintenance Comprehensive Cost

*Life Expectancy Partnership maintenance Cost

I want my cell "Matrix Outcome" to display the one of three above based on the cheapest/lowest cost option. Is this a formulae, Automation or Conditional format. Please explain how to do this if possible picture below for example. The Matrix Outcome should display "Life Expectancy Comprehensive Contract Cost"

Thanks Rob

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