Can you use a form to update a record?

I have a fairly complex data set. Was hoping that I could use a form to input part 1, and then another form to input part 2 of the row.

From what i've found, forms can only be used to create new rows and cannot be a user interface to update a record. Is this true? If not, how can one accomplish using a form to update row X when row X already exists.




  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Wesley Knapp

    Hope you are fine, unfortunately you can't use forms to update data but you can use reports and in each report you can select the columns you want to update and you can filter your report to shows the data you need to update.

    PMP Certified

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  • @Bassam Khalil - thanks! That's exactly how I had set it up already. :)

    Just making sure I wasn't missing a trick. It would be really nifty if the capability was there so that a report/list/whatever, had a hyperlink so when you clicked on it for that row item it opened up the form, and included the data in the row. :)

    That would really enhance the user-friendly data entry.

  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Wesley Knapp 

    I Agree with you, it must be some enhancements with data updating methods. You can submit Smartsheet Product Enhancement Requests using this form.

    PMP Certified

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  • This is a key requirement and would really help with sheets with numerous uses to target input from multiple users in a simplified user friendly view.

    There should be an icon per row (similar to the comment/attachment/..etc columns) to initiate form view and allowing the form to be displayed. The user can add/edit the row details in the form mode.