Copy a date to a cell only if there is not already a date there

Frank S.
Frank S. Community Champion

I'm trying to capture a date from a cell to another cell only if the current cell is blank

Here is what I have so far:

=IF(ISBLANK([Proposed PROD Release Date]@row), "", IF(ISDATE([Proposed PROD Release Date]@row), [Proposed PROD Release Date]@row))

This formula is in [New date] cell but I only want this to occur if new date cell is not a date.

Any help would be great.

Frank Smith, PMP

Assistant Director | IT Special Projects Mgr.

Oregon Parks & Recreation Department

If my response helps, please mark it as an accepted answer. 😎


Best Answer

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Frank.Smith

    You won't be able to evaluate the same cell that you wish to put a formula in. However, if you add another Date column you can then evaluate the two columns and choose which Date you ultimately wish to use.

    =IF(ISDATE([New date]@row), [New date]@row, IF(ISDATE([Proposed PROD Release Date]@row]), [Proposed PROD Release Date]@row))


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Frank.Smith

    You won't be able to evaluate the same cell that you wish to put a formula in. However, if you add another Date column you can then evaluate the two columns and choose which Date you ultimately wish to use.

    =IF(ISDATE([New date]@row), [New date]@row, IF(ISDATE([Proposed PROD Release Date]@row]), [Proposed PROD Release Date]@row))

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