Collect and HAS Functions


I need to find the average dollar amount across a range only if the fiscal year IS 2018 and a multiselect column HAS a given value

=AVG(COLLECT([Funding Amount]:[Funding Amount], Subsector:Subsector, HAS(@cell "Cell Therapy"), [Fiscal Year]:[Fiscal Year], "2019"))

Is what I'm trying to do feasible?



  • Mark Cronk
    Mark Cronk ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Your formula should work. Are you getting an error? HAS only find exact matches. Confirm "Cell Therapy" is a response.

    =AVG(COLLECT([Funding Amount]:[Funding Amount], Subsector:Subsector, HAS(@cell "Cell Therapy"), [Fiscal Year]:[Fiscal Year], "2019"))


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  • Todd Aldrich

    Thanks Mark, yes it still returns "unparseable". Does the HAS function need to be nested within an IF function?

  • Greg F
    Greg F ✭✭✭

    I am trying to do something similar. I think the problem is you have to put the search within HAS(). Mine are exact matches and nothing is working.

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