Remove Admin from Contact list dropdown option

Hi all,

I have a question about how to remove myself from the dropdown menu. I'm an admin on the sheet and created the columns for contacts in a dropdown, but I should not be an option from the menu. This image shows what I mean, the highlighted user is me.

I shouldn't be an option, but I don't see my email on the list in Edit Column Properties either, so I'm not sure how to remove myself.

I've probably missed something obvious, but any advice is appreciated. Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @H.Colo

    You'll always see yourself as a default option for a contact column, however this value will not appear for others who are accessing the sheet (instead, they'll see themselves as an option).

    If you don't want users to select themselves, you can restrict the column to the Values you've put in the Contact Column Properties window, above. To do so, check the box below the values that says "Restrict to list values only".



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  • Tim Shaded
    Tim Shaded ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Hayley,

    I think you are correct that this appears obvious. As an admin, you should be able to simply hover over any of the names in the dropdown list and select the "x" to remove it.

    Hopefully, I'm not missing something in your question and it is that simple.

    Good luck,

  • H.Colo
    H.Colo ✭✭

    Hi Tim,

    Thanks for the quick response! I'm not seeing the option to remove myself, is the only issue. The second issue shows the view from the Edit Column Properties menu and I am not an option for removal. Only three names are there, as opposed to the four in the dropdown when I click on a cell in the sheet. Does that make sense?

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @H.Colo

    You'll always see yourself as a default option for a contact column, however this value will not appear for others who are accessing the sheet (instead, they'll see themselves as an option).

    If you don't want users to select themselves, you can restrict the column to the Values you've put in the Contact Column Properties window, above. To do so, check the box below the values that says "Restrict to list values only".



    Join us for Jumpstart 2025 with Community on 23 January (in two time zones)! 🎉 Register here.