Formulas to calculate the number of weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays between two dates


I have three columns: Weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

I need to calculate the quantity of each of these three types of days based on start and end dates. The NETWEEKDAY and NETWEEKDAYS functions do not work in this case because the start and end dates should be included in the count.

Example: Start date of 8/22/2021 and end date of 8/28/21 should return a value of "5" in the Weekdays column, "1" in the Saturdays column, and "1" in the Sundays column.



  • Bassam Khalil
    Bassam Khalil ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Jennacorso 

    Hope you are fine, please try the following formula ( those formula need to add if statement formula if the start and end date are in the same week for example the start date was on Thursday and end date Was on Monday )

    Weekdays =IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS([Start date]@row, [end date]@row), "")

    Saturdays =IFERROR(ROUNDDOWN(Weekdays@row / 5), "")

    Sundays =IFERROR(ROUNDDOWN(Weekdays@row / 5), "")

    the following screenshot shows the result:

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  • Jennacorso
    Jennacorso ✭✭
    edited 08/31/21

    Hi @Bassam Khalil, unfortunately, those formulas do not work. Here are the results from my sheet.

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