Sum a column where the value in the column is generated from a formula

I have a column (Column B) that returns a value based on a nested if statement; column A = x% Column B returns a value based on the % entered in column A. Here is the nested if statement:

= IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.05, "2", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.1, "4", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.2, "8", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.3, "12", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.4, "16", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.5, "20", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.6, "24", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.7, "28", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.8, "32", IF([Allocation %]@row = 0.9, "36", IF([Allocation %]@row = 1, "40"))))))))))

I am trying to sum the values in Column B and it just returns 0. Column B is column type: text/number

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