Convert Text to Date Format

I am trying to copy a text column written out as "Thursday 07/29/2021" into another cell with a date format "07/29/21" in order to use that cell as a reference. I have tried the VALUE formula but have not been able to get it to work...

Thanks for you help!


Best Answers

  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @JJLewis

    Try this. The FIND function returns the starting position (a number) of whatever it is looking for, in this case a "/". The formula uses the number it finds as a starting position in the text string. The DATE function requires a syntax of DATE(YYYY, MM, DD)

    =DATE(VALUE(RIGHT([your text column]@row, 4)), VALUE(MID([your text column]@row, FIND("/", [your text column]@row) - 2, 2)), VALUE(MID([your text column]@row, FIND("/", [your text column]@row) + 1, 2)))

  • JJLewis
    JJLewis ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Kelly Moore

    Thank you! That did the trick...


  • Kelly Moore
    Kelly Moore Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Hey @JJLewis

    Try this. The FIND function returns the starting position (a number) of whatever it is looking for, in this case a "/". The formula uses the number it finds as a starting position in the text string. The DATE function requires a syntax of DATE(YYYY, MM, DD)

    =DATE(VALUE(RIGHT([your text column]@row, 4)), VALUE(MID([your text column]@row, FIND("/", [your text column]@row) - 2, 2)), VALUE(MID([your text column]@row, FIND("/", [your text column]@row) + 1, 2)))

  • JJLewis
    JJLewis ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Kelly Moore

    Thank you! That did the trick...

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