Reporting on multi-select dropdown data

I have existing Reports that, when I changed the column format of some of the columns in the source Sheet from Text to Dropdown, the data in those columns no longer appears on the Report. What am I missing here? Thank you!

Best Answer

  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    When you change columns I have found that you usually need remove those columns from the report and then re-add them to the report.

    I have encountered it mainly with changing the column heading but my guess would be that it is the same when changing any column property.


  • Kimberly Loveless
    Kimberly Loveless ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    When you change columns I have found that you usually need remove those columns from the report and then re-add them to the report.

    I have encountered it mainly with changing the column heading but my guess would be that it is the same when changing any column property.